Tuesday 26 December 2017

9. Google Analytics Digital Marketing Tutorial

For all those who have a blog or a static website, it is important to know Google Analytics.
Google Analytics helps you learn a lot about your website visitors and related traffic.

Google Analytics Tutorial helps you understand-

  • Number of people visiting your site
  • Locations of your visitors
  • Requirement of mobile friendly website
  • Websites that send traffic to your site
  • Marketing tactics that drive most of the traffic
  • Most popular pages of your website
  • Number of visitors converted into leads or customers
  • Blog content that visitors liked the most
  • Geolocation of converting visitors 

Learn how to translate insights from Google Analytic into action-

  • By establishing a relationship among your data
  • By analyzing trends rather than data points
  • By turning data into predictive models
  • By predicting future KPI performances 

10. Google AdWords Digital Marketing Tutorial

Google AdWords Digital Marketing Tutorial
The last step of this Digital Marketing Tutorial belongs to Google AdWords that is a marketplace, where businesses pay to let their sites rank high for their keywords.
Google AdWords offers you a chance to promote your brand more effectively for your keywords.
Ads in Google AdWords will only show up for the keywords selected by you.
Google counts the clicks that you get on your ads and charges you accordingly. Google also counts impressions that let you know how often your ad has already been shown to any user searched for the keyword related to your Ad.
  • Dividing Clicks by Impressions gives you Click Through Rate (CTR), which is actually the percentage of users who visit your advertising page after clicking on your Ad.
  • Google AdWords is like an auction house where you set ‘a budget and a bid’ for your Ad. The bid decides the amount you wish to pay per click. In case your maximum bid is 5$ then Google will show your Ad to people if your competitors are not bidding more on average.
  • However, Google cares about its users and shows them a more relevant ad that may pay lesser compared to the Ad that has high bid but lower quality and relevance. Which means- Quality ads + good bid = win!

Google AdWords Digital Marketing Tutorial includes-

  • What you need to know about online marketing
  • How to create an AdWords campaign that reaches new customers 

Digital Marketing Tutorial for Beginners- CDMM

Aforestated components of a Digital Marketing Tutorial are considered best fit for those who want to excel in a particular Digital Marketing Field.
But, for beginners, it is always prudent to apply for CDMM- Certified Digital Marketing Master Course, as it lets you learn all the Digital Marketing Components in an inclusive as well as comprehensive way.

The course curriculum of CDMM includes-

  • Email Marketing (12hrs)
  • Social Media Marketing (15hrs)
  • Inbound Marketing (12hrs)
  • Search Engine Marketing (12hrs)
  • Search Engine Optimization (12hrs)
  • Web Analytics (12hrs)

Digital Marketing Video Tutorials

Digital Vidya online training programs are top rated Digital Marketing Video Tutorials.

Available Digital Marketing Video Tutorials for you are-

  • Web Analytics
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Facebook Marketing

Benefits of Digital Marketing Online Tutorial

  1. Digital Marketing Online Tutorial helps you learn and excel digital marketing as per your convenience.
  2. Digital Marketing online tutorial lets you choose the course, timing and method that best suits your business and routine.
  3. It lets you be certified and ready to encash career benefits of one of the fastest growing industries i.e. DM Industry.
  4. A well-trained and certified Digital Marketer can earn Rs. 15,000 to 250,000 per month.
  5. In case, you wish to learn and leverage digital marketing for your personal and organizational growth, then Digital marketing Online Tutorial is considered best to ensure the exponential growth.

Digital Marketing Tutorial YouTube

Digital Vidya offers Digital Marketing Tutorial YouTube that includes YouTube video tutorials regarding different digital marketing components along with top tips to make a rewarding career in Digital Marketing.

Some of the best Digital Marketing YouTube Tutorials are-

  • Mobile Marketing Tutorial YouTube
  • SEO Tutorial YouTube
  • Email Marketing Tutorial YouTube
  • Content Marketing Tutorial YouTube
  • CDMM Course FAQ
  • Digital Marketing Case Studies
  • Career in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Free Tutorials

Digital Marketing free tutorials are designed for sales and business development professionals, advertising and marketing professionals, brand managers and media partners, DM professionals, Entrepreneurs, Management Students, Business heads, etc. to understand digital marketing landscape and utilize it for their advantages. 

Available Digital Marketing free Tutorials are-

 1. Free DV DMO- Digital Marketing for Business & Career Path

You may register for this digital marketing tutorial for free, and go through the DM case studies along with tips for building rewarding career in DM and exercises for creating successful online advertising strategy. The DMO session allows you ask live Q & A with Digital Vidya’s CEO. 

2. Free Digital Marketing Webinars

Digital marketing webinars are accessible online for free that you can utilize to learn different idiosyncrasies of DM.

 Some of the top rated DM webinars are-

  • How to Generate Profits from Google Display Ads 
  • Digital Marketing for Customer Acquisition
  • How to optimize your online presence for 6X growth in sales
  • How to improve customer experience with big data analytics
  • Accelerated mobile pages to win Search War in 2017

Final Words

A Digital Marketing Tutorial not only helps you learn digital marketing but also enables you to be a certified digital marketing professional who can surpass the competitions and be a market leader.
From the aforestated Digital Marketing Tutorial options, you can choose the one that is relevant to your business or career path.
Well sculpted and highly engaging Digital Marketing Tutorials will let you rise on right DM track, widen your reach, target right customers and get the expected outcomes.
If facing doubts in choosing the best Digital Marketing tutorial for you- ask us in comments.

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