Tuesday 26 December 2017

9. Google Analytics Digital Marketing Tutorial

For all those who have a blog or a static website, it is important to know Google Analytics.
Google Analytics helps you learn a lot about your website visitors and related traffic.

Google Analytics Tutorial helps you understand-

  • Number of people visiting your site
  • Locations of your visitors
  • Requirement of mobile friendly website
  • Websites that send traffic to your site
  • Marketing tactics that drive most of the traffic
  • Most popular pages of your website
  • Number of visitors converted into leads or customers
  • Blog content that visitors liked the most
  • Geolocation of converting visitors 

Learn how to translate insights from Google Analytic into action-

  • By establishing a relationship among your data
  • By analyzing trends rather than data points
  • By turning data into predictive models
  • By predicting future KPI performances 

10. Google AdWords Digital Marketing Tutorial

Google AdWords Digital Marketing Tutorial
The last step of this Digital Marketing Tutorial belongs to Google AdWords that is a marketplace, where businesses pay to let their sites rank high for their keywords.
Google AdWords offers you a chance to promote your brand more effectively for your keywords.
Ads in Google AdWords will only show up for the keywords selected by you.
Google counts the clicks that you get on your ads and charges you accordingly. Google also counts impressions that let you know how often your ad has already been shown to any user searched for the keyword related to your Ad.
  • Dividing Clicks by Impressions gives you Click Through Rate (CTR), which is actually the percentage of users who visit your advertising page after clicking on your Ad.
  • Google AdWords is like an auction house where you set ‘a budget and a bid’ for your Ad. The bid decides the amount you wish to pay per click. In case your maximum bid is 5$ then Google will show your Ad to people if your competitors are not bidding more on average.
  • However, Google cares about its users and shows them a more relevant ad that may pay lesser compared to the Ad that has high bid but lower quality and relevance. Which means- Quality ads + good bid = win!

Google AdWords Digital Marketing Tutorial includes-

  • What you need to know about online marketing
  • How to create an AdWords campaign that reaches new customers 

Digital Marketing Tutorial for Beginners- CDMM

Aforestated components of a Digital Marketing Tutorial are considered best fit for those who want to excel in a particular Digital Marketing Field.
But, for beginners, it is always prudent to apply for CDMM- Certified Digital Marketing Master Course, as it lets you learn all the Digital Marketing Components in an inclusive as well as comprehensive way.

The course curriculum of CDMM includes-

  • Email Marketing (12hrs)
  • Social Media Marketing (15hrs)
  • Inbound Marketing (12hrs)
  • Search Engine Marketing (12hrs)
  • Search Engine Optimization (12hrs)
  • Web Analytics (12hrs)

Digital Marketing Video Tutorials

Digital Vidya online training programs are top rated Digital Marketing Video Tutorials.

Available Digital Marketing Video Tutorials for you are-

  • Web Analytics
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Facebook Marketing

Benefits of Digital Marketing Online Tutorial

  1. Digital Marketing Online Tutorial helps you learn and excel digital marketing as per your convenience.
  2. Digital Marketing online tutorial lets you choose the course, timing and method that best suits your business and routine.
  3. It lets you be certified and ready to encash career benefits of one of the fastest growing industries i.e. DM Industry.
  4. A well-trained and certified Digital Marketer can earn Rs. 15,000 to 250,000 per month.
  5. In case, you wish to learn and leverage digital marketing for your personal and organizational growth, then Digital marketing Online Tutorial is considered best to ensure the exponential growth.

Digital Marketing Tutorial YouTube

Digital Vidya offers Digital Marketing Tutorial YouTube that includes YouTube video tutorials regarding different digital marketing components along with top tips to make a rewarding career in Digital Marketing.

Some of the best Digital Marketing YouTube Tutorials are-

  • Mobile Marketing Tutorial YouTube
  • SEO Tutorial YouTube
  • Email Marketing Tutorial YouTube
  • Content Marketing Tutorial YouTube
  • CDMM Course FAQ
  • Digital Marketing Case Studies
  • Career in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Free Tutorials

Digital Marketing free tutorials are designed for sales and business development professionals, advertising and marketing professionals, brand managers and media partners, DM professionals, Entrepreneurs, Management Students, Business heads, etc. to understand digital marketing landscape and utilize it for their advantages. 

Available Digital Marketing free Tutorials are-

 1. Free DV DMO- Digital Marketing for Business & Career Path

You may register for this digital marketing tutorial for free, and go through the DM case studies along with tips for building rewarding career in DM and exercises for creating successful online advertising strategy. The DMO session allows you ask live Q & A with Digital Vidya’s CEO. 

2. Free Digital Marketing Webinars

Digital marketing webinars are accessible online for free that you can utilize to learn different idiosyncrasies of DM.

 Some of the top rated DM webinars are-

  • How to Generate Profits from Google Display Ads 
  • Digital Marketing for Customer Acquisition
  • How to optimize your online presence for 6X growth in sales
  • How to improve customer experience with big data analytics
  • Accelerated mobile pages to win Search War in 2017

Final Words

A Digital Marketing Tutorial not only helps you learn digital marketing but also enables you to be a certified digital marketing professional who can surpass the competitions and be a market leader.
From the aforestated Digital Marketing Tutorial options, you can choose the one that is relevant to your business or career path.
Well sculpted and highly engaging Digital Marketing Tutorials will let you rise on right DM track, widen your reach, target right customers and get the expected outcomes.
If facing doubts in choosing the best Digital Marketing tutorial for you- ask us in comments.

Learn how to start content marketing-

  1. First, you need to know the reason behind starting content marketing, as realizing reason and intention behind a content marketing campaign is critical for its success.
  2. Then, you need to pay heed upon clients and prospects you need. Know how your prospects “act”, what they need, and how they will utilize your content.
  3. Now, it is the right time to organize your content and look at the best content channels and related formats. You need to know the diverse content formats and channels your target people utilize.
  4. You need to ensure that your content is engaging. It is important to align your content as per the sorts of channels you think that it will be best gotten by your audiences.
  5. Now, it is the right time to ensure that the content is found and consumed. Do promotion and involve in engaging your audience.
  6. You need to attempt diverse sorts of content, check analytics, and continuously adapt as per the latest trends.
  7. Finally, you need to test and measure the success of your content marketing and optimize it consistently.
“Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.Amrita Sahasrabudhe, Strategic Marketing Leader 

4. Email Marketing Tutorial

In its broadest sense, Email marketing incorporates each email sent to a customer or potential customer. Email marketing typically includes utilizing email to ask for business, send ads, or request deals.
Any email correspondence can be considered as email marketing on the off chance that it ensures brand recognition and trust building. Email marketing tutorial helps you learn how to keep up an email list that has been segmented as per a few variables including spending habits, response time, user’s likes and dislikes, etc. Some of the most useful email-marketing tools are MailChimp, Constant Contact, and My Emma.

Channels of Email Marketing covered in Email Marketing Tutorial-

  1. Email newsletter
  2. Dedicated Emails
  3. Digests
  4. Sponsorship Emails
  5. Lead Nurturing
  6. Transactional Emails

Email Marketing Tutorial Syllabus-

  • How to ensure deliverability of your emails
  • How to create effective Email Content
  • Learn to acquire customers using Email Marketing
  • Effectively using creative in Email communication
  • Nurturing and automation
  • Resources to situational analysis and progressive updates 

5. Mobile Marketing Tutorial

According to best Digital Marketing Tutorials, in this Smartphone era, mobile marketing is one of the most conversion oriented marketing channels. It lets you target customers with personalized, time and location sensitive promotions that advertize your products and services. 

Mobile Marketing Tutorial covers-

  • SMS messaging (text messaging), which is one of the most common mobile marketing delivery channels. Know here how to do SMS marketing.
  • Search engine marketing that comes second and display-based campaigns that come third as top SMS marketing channels.
  • Location-based Service (LBS), which helps you target customers as per their location by sending marketing messages.
  • Augmented reality mobile campaigns, which help you promote your business and product through location-specific information that overlays users’ phone display.
  • 2D barcodes that scan vertically and horizontally with equal competency and helps you include more information. A mobile user scans the barcodes to access related information.
  • GPS messaging, which helps you send location-specific messages that the user automatically picks up when he comes in that geolocation range. 

Learn different ways to Drive Conversions via Mobile Marketing

  • Optimize for micro-moments
  • Use QR codes to streamline user experience
  • Use Hyperlocal marketing
  • Use SMS marketing 

6. PPC Digital Marketing Tutorial

In PPC, advertisers pay a fee each time a user clicks on their ads.
The Pay-per-click amount can be calculated by dividing the advertising cost by the number of clicks generated by a particular Ad. PPC is paid advertising that buys visits to your site, rather than trying to gain traffic via organic means.
One of the most popular forms of PPC advertising is Search engine advertising that allows advertisers to bid for their Ad placements in a search engine’s sponsored links. Such ads appear when any user searches in search engines placing keyword related to your business.

Search Engine Marketing Tutorial includes-

  • SEM overview
  • PPC Overview
  • Strategizing PPC Campaigns
  • Market Analysis
  • Ad Writing Techniques
  • Campaign Management
  • Bid management plan
  • Effective Landing pages
  • Performance tracking
  • SEM Management, etc. 

PPC tutorial helps you learn how Ads are rewarded ranking in PPC

  • Ads that are popular with users are considered of highest quality. In PPC, ranking is not offered to highest bidders, but Ads are rewarded for their good performances.
  • Better quality ads enjoy greater CTR and lower costs.
  • Google AdWords PPC platform easily enables businesses to create Google ads. 

Learn noticeable PPC Advertising Factors

  • Keyword Relevance
  • Landing Page Quality
  • Quality Score
PPC advertising campaigns are built around keywords and AdWords experts advise to continuously grow and refine your PPC keyword list. 

Understand opportunities that PPC Advertising offers

  • Grow Your Customer Base
  • Generate Leads at Low Costs 

7. CRO Digital Marketing Tutorial

Conversion is understood as the accomplishments of your goals and CRO optimizes the conversion percentage. In Conversion Rate Optimization, you optimize your site to increase the likelihood that your visitors make the move you want them to make.
As a key metric in E-commerce, Conversion Rate reveals the percentage of the site’s total traffic completing a desired action like downloading a Digital Marketing Video Tutorial or digital marketing tutorial pdf.

Learn what Conversion Rate Optimization is−

  • Practice that improves a site’s performance by using analytical insights and users’ feedback
  • Based on unique objectives and needs (KPIs) of a website
  • Lets you know outcomes you are getting from generated traffic 

Learn where you can use CRO

  • A/B testing
  • Customer Journey Analysis
  • Cart abandonment analysis
  • Segmentation
  • Copy optimization
  • Online surveys
  • Customer feedback, etc.

8. Web Analytics Digital Marketing Tutorial

Web Analytics helps you understand and optimize web usage by collecting, analyzing, reporting and measuring Internet data. Web analytics lets you understand how your users behave, what they prefer, how they convert and other related activities.

Advantages of Web Analytics Tutorial

  • Learn performance measures of websites along with behavioral tendency of users
  • Know metrics that show how a site meets the clients’ need
  • Understand analytical results that aid you improve your site’s performance accordingly 

How Web Analytics identifies users and their behavior

  • User sessions
  • IP addresses
  • User agent and IP address combination
  • Cookies, and authenticated users, etc.

Learn How to start social media marketing

  1. Choose your social network
  2. Fill your profile details accurately, making sure to stack in your keywords
  3. Find your social voice and tone
  4. Pick your posting technique – how regularly, when, and what sort of substance
  5. Analyze and test your social media strategy and outcomes
  6. Automate and engage audiences
Optimizing your social media marketing campaign for mobiles and emphasizing on human experiences are another important tips included in SMM tutorial.

What Social media marketing tutorial includes-

  1. Why care about Social Media
  2. Demystifying community building on Facebook
  3. Creating Social media marketing strategy
  4. Using Social media for B2B Lead generation and personal branding
  5. Measuring ROI of Social media campaigns 

3. Content Marketing Tutorial

Content marketing focuses on making and promoting important, applicable, and steady content to draw in and retain your target audiences. Content, as an important type of digital marketing practice, influences prospects, drives traffic, ensures conversions and boost sales. 

Different channels covered in Content Marketing Tutorial are-

  • Blogs
  • Online journals
  • Podcasts
  • Social Media Sites
  • Video
  • Article Sites, etc.

Content Marketing Tutorial Goals-

Content is one of the most important factors that play most significant role in all digital marketing strategies and some of the content marketing goals are
  • Brand awareness
  • Engagement
  • Lead generation
  • Lead nurturing
  • Sales
  • Customer evangelism
  • Customer retention and loyalty
  • Up-selling and cross-selling, etc.
Along with these content marketing goals, there can be goals of your audiences that the tutorial will help you learn how to identify before creating content for them.

Components of a Digital Marketing Tutorial 

1. SEO Tutorial

Through SEO course, you can learn how to get traffic from the free, paid, editorial, organic, or natural search result pages of the search engines.
SEO is the name given to the practices that endeavors to enhance search engine rankings of websites and WebPages. SEO incorporates practices that may target all kinds of searches including local search, organic search, image search, news search and video search engines. By utilizing a sound SEO methodology, you will enable your site to position higher in SERPs in the buying process or when prospects search for something related to your site.

What SEO Tutorial includes

  1. History of Search & Introduction to SEO
  2. On page best practices
  3. keyword research and competitive analysis
  4. SEO friendly design and architecture
  5. Technical website optimization
  6. Link building
  7. Social, local, Mobile (SoLoMo) SEO strategies
  8. SEO site audit
  9. Algorithm updates
  10. SEO Tracking
  11. The Future of SEO
  12. SEO Career paths

2. Social Media Marketing Tutorial

The booming prevalence of Social networks has turned Social Media Marketing into word-of-mouth marketing, which is must to ensure the effective online branding of E-businesses.
Motivating individuals to interact with you online in the social field helps you spread the news about what your business stands for, and how it is different from your competitors. According to most of the Digital Marketing Tutorial PDFs, a digital marketing strategy that adeptly integrates its Social Media Marketing with SEO guarantees better online presence for the business.
  • Officially, SMO and SEO belong to two different teams, yet Social Media Advertisers should be more educated on the SEO strategist’s motivation, so that the SEO technique can run as an inseparable unit with brand promotion on social networks.
  • SEO strategists too need to know how to function with Social Media Advertisers keeping in mind the end goal to get the social signs it needs to ensure their organization positions high in online searches.

Digital Marketing Tutorial | 10 Easy Steps to Learn Digital Marketing

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Want to know the right Digital Marketing Tutorial for you?
Not being able to differentiate terms like SEO, SMO, PPC, AdWords, CTR, Analytics, etc? – Then this article is just personalized for you.
I will let you know the available Digital Marketing Tutorials befits with your needs, plus, help you understand noticeable idiosyncrasies of all the integrated online marketing services, used to pull in, engage and convert prospects.
Digital marketing uses multiple channels such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content marketing, Social Media Optimization (SMO), paid advertising, Email Marketing to help brands connect with target audiences and accomplish the marketing goals in real time.
Digital Marketing is being ubiquitous; billions of advertising dollars spent on traditional channels is as of now moving to Digital Marketing Channels and this trend will keep on increasing. There are different Digital Marketing Components that you need to pay heed upon and learn while designing a digital marketing campaign- Digital Vidya Digital Marketing Tutorial aids you do this in the most efficient way possible.
Before digging deep and understanding how Digital Marketing Tutorial empowers you be a certified Digital Marketing Professional, let us understand what digital marketing tutorial is- 

What is a DM Tutorial

  • Digital Marketing Tutorial can be understood as a well-customized Digital Marketing & Analytics training program that helps professionals, entrepreneurs and corporations learn all the components of Digital Marketing to their advantages.
  • Online Digital Marketing training programs are run by Google & Microsoft certified trainers that not only enlightens you about DM but also empower you run DM campaigns that are as per market trend and result driven.
  • Digital Marketing helps DM professionals learn DM skills that are pertinent to industry and hence helps them enjoy better DM career opportunities.
Digital Marketing Tutorial incorporates different components and you can enroll for those as per your specific requirements.  

Sunday 24 December 2017

digital market


Digital Marketing

Get Connected to Your Consumers through Kate's Digital Marketing

When it comes to digital marketing Kate Technologies stands apart from a host of companies with a competitive edge in a ruthless volatile marketplace. We have skilled professionals in our pool of talented digital marketers. Understanding our clients businesses, its goals and aims, the products and services and about their competitors' businesses are some of the factors that plays a crucial role in architecting consumer-driven digital marketing strategies which optimizes our clients businesses resulting in better ROI. Our digital marketing strategies include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Social Media Optimization (SMO). No one understands digital marketing better than Kate Technologies.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Increase Your Business Presence on Search Engines

Every business has a website, which is beautiful, attractive and full of products and services pompously displayed. But what is the fun when there are no takers, no visitors to your website? To bring visitors and audiences to your business website, it first needs to appear on the top pages of major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and other search engines. And Kate Technologies is the only Company that holds the magical wand which drives your website crawl to the top pages of Google, Yahoo and other search engines. Our hawk-eyed Digital Marketing Strategists hold the key. They articulate, architect, and strategise vital SEO logistics. It is our unique SEO strategies that bring your websites to the top pages on Google and other search engines pushing behind all other websites that belong to your competitors.
It is Kate Technologies that makes your website stand apart from the crowd attracting huge audiences online to your products or services. We design, blend, mix and intermix all our SEO strategies constantly experimenting with a single-minded dedication to bring your website to the top pages of Google and other search engines. Our SEO strategies include On-Page Optimization, Off-Page Optimization which include Keyword Research, Developing Relevant Keywords and Keyword Phrases, Link Building Activities, Social Book Markings and so on. Our SEO specialists constantly update their SEO knowledge keeping track of Google Algorithms that affect website rankings. As such we, at Kate Technologies change our SEO strategies too in accordance with Google Algorithms so as to maintain consistency in our SEO rankings. Indeed, our SEO strategies are customized, tailor-made and powerfully packed to take your website to the top pages of Google and other search engines where you can connect to your consumers, customers, and clients. Our SEO strategies perfectly complement our SEM, SMM, SMO strategies.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Our Search Engine Marketing Produces Guaranteed Results

To maximise your business results and to get maximum views for your product on search engines, nothing works better like Search Engine Marketing. Kate Technologies has architected integrated adwords strategies which work wonders for your business resulting in optimised business results. Our SEM campaign consists of paid strategies which bring your customers or consumers closer to your business. Our paid campaign, Cost Per Click (CPC) or Pay Per Click (PPC) raises the visibility of websites in search engine results pages or simply called SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Our SEO and SEM perfectly sync in alignment with the USP of your business products and services driving huge traffic to your website, which can be converted into sales leads.


Our Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Get Connected to Your Customers Online

Selling a branded product or an unknown product without advertising is hard these days. Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) strategies sell your products and services. Kate Technologies has designed and developed social Media Marketing strategies with compelling content and images that attracts huge audiences online on social media platforms. With popular search items relevant to your products and services, we develop unique exciting content with images that stops people in their tracks looking at your products and services. We then convert these audiences into effective sales leads. We draw people on the social media to your products and services through engaging them with the right kind of chatter built around your business thus fuelling interest on your products and services. Our powerful SMM campaign on social media include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube has accomplished successful results for our number of clients maximising their business results.

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Optimize Your Business Presence Online

Our performance-driven digital marketing including optimisation of your website through social media campaigns about your business, products and services brings in the best results for your business to grow. Social Media as catalyst, our SMO strategies help your business to grow its presence online. We customize SMO strategies exclusively for your business to capture huge traffic on social media. We strengthen your brand and bring greater visibility for your products and services on social media. Through engaging content we draw the attention of your target audiences to your business thus generating leads for your products and services. Indeed, Kate Technologies has capabilities, the expertise and experience in architecting perfectly balanced digital marketing strategies.